
Grad Photos

Kootenay Christian Academy

Grads have selected their time slots in the office.

Report Cards

Kootenay Christian Academy

Highschool (grade 10, 11 & 12) report cards go home. 

Activity Day

    Activity Day is a great opportunity to spend the day outside and possibly try something new!  This year the options are skiing, snowboarding or nordic skiing.  There are heavily discounted rates - so there is no better time to see if your kiddo likes one of these activities.  If your children want to […]

Pro-D Day

Kootenay Christian Academy

No school in session

Pro-D Day

Kootenay Christian Academy

No School in Session

Pink the Rink – Ticket order deadline

Kootenay Christian Academy

Pink the Rink school challenge is a part of the anti-bullying campaign sponsored by Western Financial Place. The school with the largest percentage of student participation will win an afternoon of floor hockey and autographs with the Cranbrook bucks. Wear pink! 5 and under - Free (when accompanied by an adult) Children age 6-12 - […]

Parent Advisory Council Meeting

Cranbrook Alliance Church Foyer 1200 Kootenay Street N, Cranbrook, BC, Canada

It’s never too late, please come and get involved!

Koootenay Fun 5 – Keener Registration Deadline

Kootenay Christian Academy

Today is the last day to register and receive the best rates for Kootenay Fun 5. Be sure to use code KCA at check out to get $5 off per ticket! Tickets include a t-shirt, amazing swag bag, and timing chip for this great community 5km walk/run on Saturday May 3!   

Pink the Rink

Western Financial Place

Pink the Rink school challenge is a part of the anti-bullying campaign sponsored by Western Financial Place. The school with the largest percentage of student participation will win an afternoon of floor hockey and autographs with the Cranbrook bucks. Wear pink! 

Parent Advisory Council Meeting

Cranbrook Alliance Church Foyer 1200 Kootenay Street N, Cranbrook, BC, Canada

It’s never too late, please come and get involved!