Holiday Headgear – Christmas Spirit Week
Wear toque, antlers, Santa hats etc.
Wear toque, antlers, Santa hats etc.
Wear Red, Green, Silver, Gold, any color combo you like.
Wear Christmas/winter-themed on your feet.
Wear a Christmas t-shirt or ugly Christmas sweater.
Wear your cozy Christmas or winter-themed pajamas.
Dress up like your favorite character/ Superhero or bring a miniature sized version of them to school (toy, stuffie, Lego figure etc) Your favorite character could be from a book, movie, game, or sports team.
Wear your silly hats and crazy socks.
Wear a green shirt or any jersey that you have in remembrance of the Humboldt Broncos.
Come dressed in attire from the decade of your choice. Rock the 80’s or 90’s. Go back in time to the 1900’s.
Come dressed in Canada gear or the attire that celebrates your ancestry.
Wear a hat, chew gum, or bring a stuffie to school for $2.00 each. All proceeds go to sponsor a child or local charities in our community.