
Animal Day

Come dressed as your favourite animal!

Chapel – Hosted by Kindergarten & Grade Four

The kindergarten and grade four classes invite you to an afternoon chapel that is "Indescribable." It will take place in the gym gymnasiam. All parents and families are welcome to attend.

All School Activity Day

Students from kindergarten - grade 12 will take part in winter activities! Students have the choice to head up to the Kimberly ski hill, or for the alternate activity or skating and swimming.

Pro-D Day

No school - Professional Development Day

100 Day

Celebrate 100 days of  school! Wear 100 items, dress 100 years old, dress 100 days brighter!

Love One Another Day

Our school is excited to celebrate Love One Another Day on February 24th. This is our school's version of Pink Shirt Day. Students are encouraged to wear pink to school. Each class will find their own way of showing love and compassion to those in our community, just as Jesus has called us to love […]